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 • Portfolio of Clients
    and Projects

International Marketing Systems, Inc.
IMS is a 10 year-old Maryland consulting company that provides a full range of technical program management and business development services for small to medium sized commercial organizations. They help their clients solve business problems, improve operational performance, and market products and services. The initial work we did for this company included corporate branding through development of a corporate logo, design and procedures for marketing materials ... the goal being to create a unifomity and consistency to presentations and overall corporate identity. The next step was to create a basic website that presents company background, staffing and services information. The development of this website will include very specific business portals where international businesses will be able to conduct sophisticated business transactions.

Because of non-payment (a first in my long professional career) this site was taken off the client's server and is replicated on my own server.

E-commerce/trading: a fee-based electronics industry portal, with international scope, where industry buyers, sellers, distributors, and OEMs can post and view excess inventories of other companies. Using a simple, intuitive web-interface, prospective buyers and sellers, who are members, can create RFQs, negotiate with other members, and finally create POs to solidify a deal. The owner of this web portal can view, moderate and control all activities on the site. They can also, among other things, use compiled data for related marketing programs.

We are responsible for the functional design, programming and database work implemented that makes this site function. The owner of this website recently had another company visually redesign the site, and they have removed our logo, and recognition.

The Beautiful Music Company
Long-standing catalog music company finally joins the world of the internet. Their in-house graphics deparment directed the visual aspects of the site while we executed the functional design and programming. In addition to it's simply user interface for browsing through and ordering from the extensive catalog, the site includes a secure administration area where the site owner can control the contents of the site, manage orders, and collect different types of sales data.

New York Dress Company
Web-only based company that sells prom and special occasion dresses. Site features include continually updated product catalog, interactive bridal party registry, secure online shopping cart and ordering, interactive fashion forums, and web cam presentations. Site owner is afforded full autonomy by using a secure, all-inclusive administration area to maintain and update the site - product catalog, site contents, ordering information and processing, forum and e-mail correspondences.

Simple, elegant web site for a reknowned family relationship expert/psychologist who focuses on families, couples, parenting, aging well and stress management. Site features include a simple, easy-to-navigate book ordering mechanism, and a slide presentation showcasing television appearance photographs.

Janice Fried, Illustrator
Simple, elegant web site for a very accomplished illustrator from New York City. Site features include a simple mechanism to showcase complete works with detail view.

Northport Marketing
This is a temporary site we've built for this long, well established company that creates, markets and sells "As Seen on TV" products. We are in the process of creating a full online shopping and ordering mall for both their household (Northport Health and Home) and music (Beautiful Music Company) product catalogs.

Generation X-tinct
Behind Closed Doors
Independent film-maker from Long Island. Simple introductory page(s) on various projects.

Lake County Antenna Specialists
Indiana based satellite dish sales and installation company expands it's business and product line again to include the new satellite radio media. This website acts as a simple informational marketing tool to explain XM Radio features and products.

Betsy and Adam
Blondie Nites
Dress designer and manufacturer. Site features include easy-to-update fashion collection presentations, color and fabric swatch indicator, store locator, and a secure "buyers showroom" where confidential information and photographs about new fashions can be shared with clients.

Linker Equipment Corporation - View Logo, Animation (1998)
This company is a manufacturer and designer of bottling equipment and production lines, with a client roster that spans the globe. We created a new logo and overall corporate identity program that updated the design and functionality of the company's then printed documentation procedures, and marketing materials. We also assisted in incorporating this new work, and bringing the company into a fully-functional, more efficient world of digital marketing. Additional notes, and a sample is available using this link or the link above. NOTE: Their currrent web site is no longer affiliated with 2bMedia

Voices for Change - Currently Offline
A web site created by 2bMedia to honor the victims and events of September 11, 2001, and the aftermath. Features include Wall of Honor Memorials and Dedications, open public forum area for respectable, intelligent discussions on substantive topics, including politics, and social and economic issues.

For more information please e-mail us.

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